Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Up to 12 weeks between cycles

I am under the weather and just not feeling great. Sure enough, I started spotting today.
Since I have been sick I can't say if I experienced the usual headache before my cycle this time. I did have a massive sinus pressure facial and head ache the other day, but since I have been sick, it was par for the course.
Overall, Levora continuously has been doing the trick and endo is at bay.
The heat sensations subsided after taking Chinese TCM Two Immortals 3X/day. I am now only taking them 2X/day (except for the past week because I have been sick - Chinese TCM recommend to stop taking herbs during severe illness).

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Finally spotting after months

Saw a dark spot on my underwear this afternoon and wasn't sure what it was at first. I guess that is a sign of how long it's been since my last period. The spot was brown, which is typical of the beginning of my cycle. It will be interesting to see if this becomes a full cycle or just a light, brown dribble.
Note: I did have a headache a couple of days ago, which tends to be one of the pre-menstrual symptoms of my cycle.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Went out of town, no period.

Scratch that last post. Went out of town for a week but still haven't started my period.
I think it's been 12 weeks and still no period.
I get hot a lot, sweating to the point I have to change my clothes. Perhaps this is the beginning of "the change"?

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Why is it that I start my period when out of town?

Seriously, it seems that any time I am traveling, which is not often, I start my period.
Could it be because I have intercourse more when I stay in hotels?
Anyway, the continuous BCPs seem to be doing the trick because even though my periods are not fun, they are nothing like I experienced before. The gastrointestinal symptoms are rare and when they rear their ugly head they are livable.
I am so relieved that the Levora is doing the trick.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

longest time between cycles

Just started spotting this morning, December 16. My last spotting started September 23. This is the longest time between cycles. Interesting.
I am 44 now. Could this be an early sign of menopause?
So far I only have a dull headache at the right temple. It could be from the three glasses of red wine last night.
I had the annual PAP exam in October and all is well.
Thank god for continuous BCPs. They have given me my life back.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Light period this time

I stopped the BCP and had light spotting for several days. Finally my period came but it was light compared to previous cycles. I had the horrible headache a few days, sometimes at the right temple, sometimes at the left temple.

My scalp was tender several days and each time I would rub/massage it firmly and sure enough the pain would go away (after the initial intense pain).

One thing I did notice this cycle is how much clear discharge I had. The blood was light but I was still changing tampons within 4 hours (like a good girl should anyway). I have no signs of a yeast infection so who knows why the heavy discharge (not blood).

I will start the BCP tonight. That made a 9 day break, shorter than previous cycles.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Ahhhh...the dreaded spotting. No wonder I felt badly this afternoon.

This afternoon I noticed I felt bloated like something didn't agree in my intestines. I was a little gassy and felt tired. Sure enough, I was spotting. Now that I take my BCPs continuously I almost forget what it feels like to have an Endo period.

I will not take my BCP tonight or for the next week and see what happens with this cycle...

We never know, do we?
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