Friday, July 16, 2010

Menstrual headache continues

The nagging headache continues...
This morning I woke up and felt a slight headache. I did drink wine last night so I figured, well, today it's my fault.
But, what happened was the headache got worse during the day instead of better.
I've had my fair share of hangovers over the years and this was not a hangover headache.
The headache would get stronger, then back off, then get stronger, then back off. I wonder if my flow was doing the same thing?
All day long I suffered through the pain. I took Advil in the morning, but finally a little after noon I took a half Vicodin. That seemed to help a little once it kicked in. When it wore off, the headache returned strongly. I took more Advil.
The headache is strange how it gets stronger then backs off, but is always still there.
We were hoping to attend a show tonight, but with this pain that I've been enduring for two days, I am wiped out. I am ready for bed.
Tomorrow should be a better day.

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