Sunday, May 31, 2009

Hmmm, still bleeding

I had my period and even though I still had a light flow on Thursday night, I still started up the BCP that night as well.

I am still having a light flow/break-through bleeding. Hmmm....

No pain. Just a light brown or light red when I wipe. I've worn tampons on an off for the past 3 days. It's light, but still hasn't stopped. since it's only been 3 days since I re-started taking the BCP, I am not too concerned. But, it would be nice to has no discharge.

I feel great, a little tired, but great. The weather has been hot and muggy along with VOG so much of this could be due to the weather. I sure have been sleeping hard! I even held off on my morning walks a few days last week because of the VOGGY, hot weather. My acupuncturist noted my low energy level and suggested 3 doses of the Tang Kwei Jin per day instead of 2.

Monday, May 25, 2009

It's hereeeeeee

I spoke too soon, my period has finally come. Didn't feel a thing. Yea!

Not too strong a flow, but probably what is considered "normal." When you have had lifetime Endo, it's hard to know what exactly is a "normal" period. "You mean having to change a tampon every hour to hour and a half isn't normal?"

Anyway, so now I'm having my period. No major cramps, no out-of-control bleeding.

I will see how it goes this week and plan to re-start my BCPs on Thursday night.

Waiting for the flood

I haven't taken a BCP in 3 nights and still no real period has come. I have the light break-through bleeding, but no real signs.


Thursday, May 21, 2009

Oops, break-through bleeding again

Yup, I noticed a little discoloration yesterday but since it was so light, I didn't pay much mind to it.

Today, the break-through bleeding is brown and much more pronounced.

I am on Day 5 of the new, stronger dosage BCP, which is Day 26 in my attempts of continuous BCPs. I do not feel badly. No pain, no cramps.

Executive Decision: I will stop the BCP and allow my period. Since I'm feeling pretty good, I will take my chances and see what happens.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

So far, so good

I started the newer stronger dosage 3 nights ago and haven't noticed any difference. Hooray!

I will continue the new BCPs and see if the continuous BCPs with this stronger dosage will not allow the break-through bleeding.

At least one thing is for sure, I am not experiencing Endo pain at all. For that I am completely happy!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

It's been 3 weeks and so far so good...

I've taken 21 Aviane BCPs since I re-started the continuous BCP program. So far, so good.

I have had a couple of twinges here and there this past week, but no cramps or other intense symptoms.

Since I am attempting continuous BCPs to minimize my endometriosis symptoms, I will continue the BCP tonight.

I actually only have 16 more Aviane BCPs, but ....

GOOD NEWS! A friend went to Mexico last week and bought me 10 paks of BCPs for $60! Yup, only $6/pak. Awesome! Also, she couldn't get me the same dosage, but they had one step stronger. Excellent. It's what I wanted anyway! I think I will start those pills tonight. Perhaps it will be what I needed anyway. I just don't want to have to deal with 3 weeks of break-through bleeding again. No, thank you.

ethinyl estradiol levonorgestrel
Aviane 20mcg .10mg
New Pill 30mcg .15mg
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