Sunday, May 31, 2009

Hmmm, still bleeding

I had my period and even though I still had a light flow on Thursday night, I still started up the BCP that night as well.

I am still having a light flow/break-through bleeding. Hmmm....

No pain. Just a light brown or light red when I wipe. I've worn tampons on an off for the past 3 days. It's light, but still hasn't stopped. since it's only been 3 days since I re-started taking the BCP, I am not too concerned. But, it would be nice to has no discharge.

I feel great, a little tired, but great. The weather has been hot and muggy along with VOG so much of this could be due to the weather. I sure have been sleeping hard! I even held off on my morning walks a few days last week because of the VOGGY, hot weather. My acupuncturist noted my low energy level and suggested 3 doses of the Tang Kwei Jin per day instead of 2.

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