Tuesday, March 24, 2009

A quick call = A solution


I called my OB-GYN to let him know about my continuous break-through bleeding/spotting.

He said that even one pill delayed by 12 hours will cause the break-through bleeding even for 12 days. He said to double up on the Loesterin24Fe for two days and see if that stops it. He said to take a pill in the morning and then one at night, not two at a time.

Good to know.

I will take my normal pill tonight and then another in the morning and do the same tomorrow and the next day and see if it works.

Crossing my fingers.....

Monday, March 23, 2009

11 days of light period/spotting

It's been 11 days since I missed my pill and I'm still having a light flow. I call it spotting because it's probably not more than a tablespoon in 4-6 hours, but since there is red and brown, it's like a light period whereas spotting is usually just brown (for me at least).

I have been feeling pretty good overall. I have been focusing on the types of foods I eat and when. My acupuncturist suggested I look into digestive fire and perhaps my lack of digestive fire would explain much of my abdominal discomfort. Heck, at this point, I'll try anything. Remember, my only alternative is a laparoscopy to prove or disprove endo and I don't have insurance.

I ordered and received a copy of Healing with Whole Foods by Paul Pitchford. Funny how many of the foods that may not be best for my body type are the very foods I eat a lot of! Crazy!

My acupuncturist is always telling me my Kidney Yang is low or deficient when he takes my pulses. Also my energy tends to be low. Now after reading the book, I am picture perfect for cold (too much Yin) and some deficiency. Interestingly enough, many of the cooling foods, which I should avoid, are things like salads, raw veggies, cold foods, ice cream, beer. Those are all things I used to eat regularly. Other than the ice cream, which I ate sparingly anyway, and beer, which I used to indulge much more, all the other cooling foods are things we Americans eat to try to lose or maintain our weight. What I have noticed in the past is that when I eat a salad for dinner, I feel bloated the next morning as though it didn't digest overnight. Who would think that salad wouldn't digest easily?

It turns out, the digestive fires need to be stoked well in order to digest efficiently. If my digestive fire is/was all but out, perhaps no matter how much healthy food I try to eat, it won't digest and therefore not be healthy for me.

I have also been taking the Golden Book teapills, which is supposed to energize my system. It must be working. I do feel much better. I also am still taking the Tang Kwei Gin which is supposed to help do the same.

My appt is Wednesday morning and I am anxious to see if there has been a noticeable change.

Also, I have been walking more.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

A week of spotting/light period

It's been over a week and I'm still spotting. A couple of days were like a very light period.
I ran out of tampons and am bummed. I might be able to get to the store later today. I normally buy the mega box at Costco, but I am not supposed to be having any more periods (in a perfect world) so I didn't buy a new box. Tampons are so darn expensive. So are pads. I just don't like pads. I feel unclean using them.
The light cramping stopped a few days ago, but not the brown gooey discharge.
I am exercising a little bit more. My calves are sore this morning. I suppose that's a good sign. They are sore, but not enough to prevent me from walking.
No, the only thing preventing me from walking is me.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Another day of spotting, and a little cramp

My fault! I know I am beating my self up over this, but it is my fault. Or at least I can't blame it on the Loestrin24Fe because I missed that damned pill a few days ago.
I am still spotting. I have felt a couple of twinges/cramps here and there. Nothing debilitating, thank God!
I should have walked this morning between rain showers. Instead, I browsed the internet. Now another shower is coming though.
No ocean time for me!
Damn I'm fat.
We may go to a matinee. If it's sunny later, we'll walk on the beach. I know I need the exercise!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Still spotting.

I'm still spotting and now there's a few drops of red along with the dark brown goo. Damn!
I don't feel badly, but I am bummed about missing that 1 pill and being responsible for this.
I have been taking some different Chinese herbal remedies and they seem to be working well for me.
The Tang Kwei Jin is supposed to give me energy by replenishing my blood. So far, so good.
The Golden Book teapills are supposed to help energize my digestive fire and stimulate my deficient Yang (warmth). So far, so good.
I have also been drining a Ginger Tea thats tastes good and is supposed to help with my digestion.
I am avoiding "cold" foods late in the day, although I did have a Caesar salad the other night and I was o.k. (no gas or indigestion pains).
I am also trying to exercise more, even though I don't do it every day.
Today I went for a short walk early before the rain. That was it.

Friday, March 13, 2009

My laparoscopy records finally arrived

I order my lap records on February 3rd. They didn't mail them until March 11th.
Geez! Good thing my OB/GYN put me on the free sample BCPs which seemed to have curtailed the crazy/insane pain I've been experiencing. To wait 5 weeks for medical records seems a bit lame.
I read through all the papers and it seems my endo was not removed, only burned/destroyed.
That's what I figured, but at least now it's been confirmed.
I haven't contacted Dr. Redwine's office again because I'm waiting to see what happens with the continuous BCPs. It's not like I have thousands of dollars in a savings account waiting for me to withdraw them for surgery. And getting insurance is impossible for me to afford, let alone, my endo most certainly would be considered a pre-existing condition.
I just felt a twinge near my left ovary. What's going on down there??
I hate my body. It has treated me poorly and I have done the same in return.
I weigh 171 and am out of shape. I should weigh 20-25lbs less and be much more firm.
At least I did my walks today.
It's supposed to be nice tomorrow so if the wind isn't up perhaps I'll jump in the ocean.

Dammit! I forgot to take my pill!

When I woke up this morning the thought ran though my foggy mind, "Did I take my pill last night?"
I went to the pillpack and sure enough, I missed my pill last night. Dammit!
I took the missed pill immediately.
Went to the restroom, already brown ugly spotting. Dammit!
Put in a tampon. Four hours later, sticky brown tissue was all over it. Dammit!
Put in another. Same result, but much lighter brown.
Didn't bother putting in another and haven't seen any new signs of spotting.
Whew! I hope the delay didn't mess things up too badly.
Other than that, I feel pretty good.
I walked around the block 4 times today and did 60 stair steps.
My left upper calf is still feeling achy. It could be from my pinky toe injury and that I am walking differently. I hope it's not a sign of a potential clot. It comes and goes. Weird.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Lighter spotting today

Boy, how long does this spotting go on?

I know, I've only been on the Loestrin24Fe for almost 5 weeks, but these side effects are nagging.

I added taking digestive enzymes after dinner to see if it helps with my digestion and the gassiness and bloating pain. Seems to have helped a bit.

Also, I started taking Golden Book tea pills and am continuing to take the Tang Kwei Jin. Today was busy and I was gone most the day. I find it very difficult to remember to talk all my pills and supplements when my schedule is erratic.

My breasts are also still tender. I may have a mammogram next week. I AM NOT LOOKING FORWARD TO THAT!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Heavier spotting today

I'm feeling alright, but I had much heavier spotting today. I know others have said that is their one of their biggest complaints in the beginning, but it doesn't mean I like it. I've been taking the Loestrin24Fe for 4 1/2 weeks now.

I had a good acupuncture session this morning. I really do feel better after my appt. I walked home and it was sunny out. Finally sun!

I am walking around the block once or twice a day, but I know I need to do more.

The ocean is cold and swimming in it just doesn't sound inviting.

Pinky toe is feeling better and I'm remembering it so I don't do something stupid again.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Sore, but not Endo

So, today, my lower abdomen is still pretty sore, so are my outside calves.
I am pretty certain that my soreness is muscle related from my recent attempt at exercise and not anything related to Endo. Yeah!
I did go to the bathroom this morning and it was exactly what I expected so the whole "missed my liquid calcium" was probably what created most my discomfort yesterday.
I just took my liquid calcium for today so tomorrow should be back to normal.
My soreness must be related to the leg lifts and tummy crunches on Friday. It seems weird that I'm THAT sore 48 hours later, but it's the only sane explanation. Perhaps this is a testament to how poor of shape my abdomen really is. It looks flabby (bad) so I guess there is little muscle under it. Tomorrow I will try most exercises, but not too many. I need to build up. At least my arms aren't sore for the handful of push ups!
So, I am still spotting, but I don't have cramps.
Still taking the continuous BCPs. I don't think I'll call the doctor about the spotting after the 2nd packet of pills (48 days).
The weather has been kinda crappy and not very sunny so I don't want to swim in the ocean. I have been walking but it's hard on my pinky toe and I don't get joy from it.
I want it to be sunny again. I want it to be warm.
I live in Hawaii. It's not too much to ask.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Today was not a good day.

Today was not a good day.
I woke up feeling pretty good. I got a cup of chai and walked on the beach. During my walk, I started to get "that feeling" in my lower intestines. At first I chalked it up to not having gone to the bathroom yet. It got more intense; pain, bloating feeling. I tried to ignore it.
When I got home, I tried to go to the bathroom. I was constipated. I forgot to take my liquid calcium last night. Damn it! I know better! This is why I take liquid calcium with magnesium. It keeps me regular, a little too soft, but it does the trick.
All day on and off, I have felt bloating pain in my lower intestines. It's not been a comfortable day. I would lay down and start to feel better. I would get up and within 15 minutes, start to feel the pressure again. I hate that this interferes with my life.
Now it's the end of the day. I want to go to the bathroom, but nothing is happening. I know I will probably have a rough night (painful gassiness, it started an hour ago). In the morning I will have a painful bowel movement until the liquid calcium/magnesium portion comes out.
My abdomen muscles also feel sore. Is it from some exercises I did yesterday? It wasn't much, but I'm trying to get into better shape, even if it's 5 push-ups and 10 leg lifts.
I had more spotting this morning, but none this afternoon.
I wish I felt happier.
I want a life.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Sadness is over

No more wanting to cry. Thank god! that was such a weird and frustrating experience.

I am on Day 24 of the Loestrin24Fe and keep feeling little twinges here and there. Am I going to have a period even though I will keep taking the white pills (continuous BCPs)? I hope not.
I have not had the strong/crazy/intense pain that I usually get by this time in the month, so I am relieved for that.

Sometimes I am hungry when I shouldn't be, especially at night. I have chocolate cravings after dinner a lot. I haven't had those cravings in years. I am trying not to give in to the cravings or to make wise choices. I am already overweight and don't need to add any more to my already tired knees. I have been walking every day, but it has been slow and not too far. That damn pinky toe is pretty painful when I try to pick up the pace. Bad timing. (Although you can't really time something that "good" can you?)

Sunday, March 1, 2009

I feel like crying

What the hell?!
This morning I almost cried twice! For no reason, I just feel sad.
Same this afternoon. I feel sad. I feel like crying.
I have had some pangs here and there in the area of my uterus. I haven't spotted since yesterday afternoon.
Why am I feeling this way?
I did re-injure my pinky toe the other day and it's been sore ever since. Then, in the shower this morning I caught it while trying to gently rub my foot scrub. It's like the tip of the toe is not connected so it easily moves when touched. It's loose. Weird. Painful when that tip is moved.
Am I sad from the pinky toe pain?
Am I sad because I spotted and I'm not supposed to have any more periods?
Am I sad because it's a side effect of the Loesterin24Fe?
I do not like being emotional anyway (I'm not that kind of chick). This really sucks.
Oh yeah, and that funky taste is annoying me today.
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