Monday, February 9, 2009

Day 3 on Loestrin24Fe

So far so good!

I am a bit relieved to not have had any crazy or outrageous side effects so far.
I know it's only been 3 full days that the BCP has been in my system, but after all my crazy episodes of pain, cramps, gassiness, bloating and general feeling of crappiness, I was a bit apprehensive after reading so many women who report disturbing side effects.

I started taking the Loestrin24Fe the day after I started my period. Yeah, I know "they say" to start BCPs the Sunday after your period, but I couldn't find any information out there explaining a medical reason as to why. Since I am supposed to take it continuously, what's the difference?

My period was super-crazy-heavy Day 1, 2 and 3. I even took an iron supplement yesterday. I was feeling a bid drained even though the pain had subsided. I can't believe how many tampons I go through the first few days of my period. I feel like I can't even leave the house! I wore three different pairs of pants on Day 2. Not fun. I get so depressed when I leak through. I know it's not my fault, nor can I control it, but I really get depressed when it happens. I also missed going swimming last weekend. That really bums me out. I never going swimming the first few days as that's akin to being "shark bait." Thanks, but no thanks!

Today is Day 5 and the bleeding is minimal and I'm not feeling depressed. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

So, now I guess I just have to wait and see what happens.

Will the Loestrin24Fe do crazy things to me or mess me up? Or will it become my miracle drug?

I'll probably know in a week. Usually a week or so after my period, I get some pretty bad pains (ovulation?) so since I'm on this BCP, perhaps I won't? that's the theory anyway.

I watched the first Lady, Michelle Obama, this morning as she addressed the Dept of Interior. While I listened to her graciousness and poise, I wondered if she suffered from endometriosis. I bet if she did, she would make it a huge priority in supporting a health care policy.

I wish I could help myself and then help others. No one should have to live through this kind of pain and disruption from normalcy. No one.

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