Friday, February 6, 2009

The PAP and the Ultrasound

Started my period yesterday...AT the OB/GYN! How untimely!
My appt was for 10am. I started to feel a little crampy driving to the office. I just figured it was my damn endo rearing it's ugly head just as I'm to be examined, which isn't the most comfortable experience anyway.
I gave my urine sample and the nurse said it tested positive for urinary tract infection. Now, I've had my fair share of bladder infections and I was not experiencing any of the normal symptoms (frequent urination, pain upon urination, burning sensation, etc.). She said that's what the test showed and then asked if I normally wipe from front to back as if I didn't it can give a false reading. Yes, I wipe from front to back and I also use baby wipes on a regular basis. I'm kind of a clean freak when it comes to my vagina, but I don't go overboard.
Mr. Doctor comes in and says my white blood cell count was high and there is a little blood in my urine. BLOOD in my urine?? I'm thinking, "Ok, no sense to panic. Endo is my problem, not kidney stuff." I told Mr. Doctor that I was surprised at the possibility of an urinary tract infection because I wasn't experiencing any symptoms.
He asked how I was feeling and I told him "not so good."
He said, "Perhaps you are beginning your cycle."
I said, "That would be odd because it's only been 3 weeks and I've been 28-45 days."
He said, "Three weeks is normal, so perhaps."
(When I got home, I rechecked my notes. My last P was 1/19/09, 17 days ago. That is NOT 3 weeks, nor is it normal. Ugh!)
He talks to me about my pain symptoms and tells me that from what I've told him and my previous visits I most likely have endo. He said there are a few options:
  1. Low dosage BCPs
  2. Progestin (depoprovera or similar)
  3. Lupron
  4. Laparacopy with no guarantees
  5. Hysterectomy with full guarantee
(I kept much of my opinions to myself and let him talk. I recall the last time I discussed mammogram options with him, he poo-pooed my radiation concerns and wasn't too interested to discuss alternatives like ultrasound or thermography.)
He recommended trying low dosage BCPs first and he would give me a few sample packs to try it. He said I might want to consider progestin, but I balked at that because I have a close friend who had too many side effects from it. I do NOT want to grow hair on my chest or grow a beard. Thanks, but no thanks! He said the laparoscopy is expensive (no insurance) and there are no guarantees because, "Once you have endo you always have endo. It will always come back. Whether you burn it or remove it, it will return." Finally, he said while a hysterectomy will guarantee to stop endo, he didn't recommend it and would only consider it as a last option.
Needless to say, I was not overly impressed with Mr. Doctor. After you read Dr. Redwine's numerous articles and papers and his patient's numeorus positive comments, it's hard to listen to Mr. Doctor. Dr. Redwine cures endo by excising it via laparoscopic excision. And, technically that is a cure. I have read online that there are two other doctors who have earned positive reputations when it comes to endo treatment. They are Dr. Cook and Dr. Davis.
So then he starts the exam and SURE ENOUGH I am having my period! Crap! He shows me the clots on the tip of the cotton swab. Nice timing, eh?
He then performs the pelvic ultrasound <no charge, thank you very much :-) > and everything looks normal. He tells me it's not usual to detect endo with an ultrasound unless there are large lesions but it is good to rule out any fibroids or cysts.
He gives me 3 boxes of Loestrin24Fe and tells me to start taking the white pills on Sunday and take one every day and when I get to the brown pills throw them away and take a while pill from the next pack. He wants me on continuous BCPs to keep from having a period, which is supposed to stop the endo symptoms.
He cheerfully tells me to hang in there and that he can almost guarantee that after a month or two, I will feel 100% better and have forgotten about the previous pains.

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