Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A different kind of pain

Endo has been good lately. Hooray!
I have taken Loestrin24Fe for 12 days. No weird side effects. No abdominal pain.

But, my pain level has been pretty high the past 48 hours....why? Because I banged my pinky toe against a box two days ago and OH MY GOD! The PAIN!
After I hit it, my pinky toe was sticking out, not hugging the next toe like usual. I probably didn't break it, but rather tore some ligaments or tendons. That doesn't make it hurt any less.
When I hit that box, I went down, to the ground, from the pain. You know, the kind of pain when you can taste blood in your mouth? Now, THAT'S pain!
Fortunately, I already had an appt with my acupuncturist the next morning, so when I hobbled in, he took a look. He doesn't think it's broken.
He treated it and I could hardly feel the needles go in. It was strangely numb at the surface. The pain was inside. When he heated the needles, my toe gently moved back into the normal position!
He prescribed me some Chinese herbs to help the healing and a topical anesthetic.
I am still swollen and hobble in pain, but not nearly as much as the morning before my appt.
I love my acupuncturist!

And, my Endo has been calm.

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