Monday, February 2, 2009

My To-Do List

This morning I called Dr. David B. Redwine in Bend, OR. I spoke with Alayna and asked which records would be most helpful as I was going to make an appt for my 'annual' pap with my local OB/GYN. She said that the pap wouldn't really be helpful regarding the records review process for endo, but the chart notes for my pelvic exam would be, especially if I experience any pain during the exam. The ultrasound wouldn't be helpful in regard to endo, but would be as far as ruling out cysts or tumors or ?. Any previous records of pelvic exams will be helpful and the operating report from my lap in 2002 and the pathology report (if there is one). She was very nice and I felt comfortable speaking with her.

I called my local OB/GYN and made my appt for Thursday. I will have my pap and also an ultrasound. They didn't even give me a hard time for requesting it. I was surprised. My previous experiences with Western Medicine are pretty consistent with the doctor's office not wanting to combine appts or take my word because they want to see me first, then decide (usually another appt...maybe that's an insurance thing?). I was relieved that my phone call wasn't met with resistance. The pap is ~$50-$80 plus $28 lab fee and the ultrasound is ~$130. It will be an expensive day for me, but worth it (I hope).

I called my acupuncturist and made an appt for Wednesday afternoon.

I also called my previous OB/GYN who did the laparoscopy in 2002 to let them know I needed to request a copy of my records and make sure I was following their guidelines. I faxed the completed form that I got from Dr. Redwine's website ( )this afternoon. It might cost up to $25 depending on how much information needs to be copied. They said that if there isn't much to copy/forward that they usually don't charge for records forwarding. I thought that was a pretty cool policy.

Today, I accomplished a lot and my pain was minimal. I did feel a couple of strange sensations in my uterus this afternoon. Also, I had to urinate this afternoon while sitting at my desk and noticed that the longer I waited, the uterine sensation became stronger. That reminded me of all the times I've had to urinate but was unable to get to a restroom and how the pain in my lower abdomen gets really strong until I can get to a restroom. SIDE NOTE: I miss living in Mexico where I could pee almost anytime, whenever I needed, wherever I needed. (Pulling off the side of a road and peeing has it's advantages!)

I hope tomorrow is another relatively pain-free day.

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