Sunday, December 27, 2009

Period after 7 weeks

Still taking the Mexican BCPs. I don't have the exact date, but after my last breakthrough, I believe I started taking the BCPs continuously again around October 25th.
I've been symptom free and had new breakthrough bleeding on December 14th. That's 7 weeks, only one week longer than last time.
I find I get pretty bad headaches when I go off the BCP for the week. I will usually wake up with the headache in the middle of the night and it's still lingering the next morning. Sometimes I will wake up feeling o.k. and then the headache appears within an hour.
I have been looking around the Internet for a comparable BCP as I am near approaching my last pack from Mexico. It appears the dosage is the same as Nordette, which is the same as the generic Levora.
I need to contact Costco Pharmacy to see if they have Levora and how much it is (they are closed today, Sunday). I can probably get my OB/GYN to write a new prescription after updating him on my success, even though I went around his back to get cheaper BCPs with the slightly higher dosage.
I dread having to pay $15-$20 for 21 days worth of pills (Mexico was $6). The doctors don't seem to understand how the math works out. "It's only $20/month." No, it's $20 for 21 days and if I have 4-5 periods a year that works out to $26.50/month. I have no insurance. This is all out of pocket expense for me.
When it comes to health care, I truly miss living in Mexico.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Six weeks and break-through bleeding

Started taking continuous BCP again on Sept 7th. Today, October 18th, I started bleeding. I noticed spotting mid-day and put in a tampon. Four hours later, sure enough I started bleeding. Hmm. Kinda weird that it started while I'm taking the BCPs and it's only been 6 weeks, not 3 months like before.
I won't take a BCP tonight. I will wait a week and see if I have a normal cycle.
The BCPs I've been taking are:
ethinyl estradiol levonorgestrel
30mcg .15mg
I remember from years ago, like decades ago, that when I was on a BCP I had to take a stronger dose. I think it was when most women were taking Ortho/Novum 1/35's and I had to take 1/50's.
Symptoms? Nada. I did feel a little pang for about 10 minutes earlier today, but after the intense pain from before taking the BCPs today's pain was nothing.
I don't like taking medication as I always try to do things naturally, but taking the BCPs seems to have minimized all the symptoms and I have my life back.
We'll see how this week goes....

Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day

Oops, it's a holiday weekend and I forgot yesterday was Sunday so I didn't start taking the BCP last night like I had planned.

I will start the continuous BCPs tonight.

At least I'm feeling good.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Still draining...

Ok, so that might be a gross way of putting it, but just when I think the cycle has stopped, a little more comes. It;s like in the Austin Powers movie, "Evacuation com-...Evacuation compl-...Evacuation comple-...Evacuation comple-..."

Today is only 7 days and the heaviest bleeding was the first 3. Since then it's been light to minimal.

I think I will start the continuous BCP tomorrow night (Sunday) just to try and put my body back into some sort of regulation.

I have felt uncomfortable on and off all week. My bowels are all messed up and not consistent and that is ever painful when things are not going smoothly. It is not easy to explain how going to the restroom can leave me completely exhausted or in pain for several hours. thank god I work out of the house.

At least I made it through this cycle. If I can get through another 90 days or so before needed to have another period, I could live with that.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Here she comes!

Started this morning. Felt like typical cramping. Thought I was gassy, turned out to be a cramp. Sometimes I wonder if I really do know my own body. It seems the pains and pangs change and just when I think I've figured it out, another thing changes.

At least I have started so my body can cleanse itself.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Headache! Ugh.

Typical of my pre-menstrual symptoms, I have a dull headache. Not overly painful, just a dull, annoying headache.

No period yet, but it must be coming.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Been spotting a little...

Today is 93 days of taking continuous BCPs and I have been spotting for the past two.

I will not take the BCP for a week and see with what kind of havoc my body will avenge me.

I am a bit nervous, but it's been 3 months since my last period and my last harsh pain, so at least I have had some reprieve.

My liquid calcium has not been doing the trick since I switched brands. I was trying to save some money. The liquid calcium comes in glass jars and always seems to get damaged during shipment. I tried one that came in a plastic bottle, but it was only 50% effective. Now I am on Kal's and even with 2 double doses a day, it is not keeping me regular. This has been a huge frustration as being bloated or blocked up keeps me from doing my normal activities. It also makes me feel unclean.

We will see what the next week brings....

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Hooray! Going well :-)

I decided to keep taking the BCP's and so far so good and no Endo symptoms. Hooray!

Tonight will day 45 of continuous BCP's on the Mexican dosage.

I know my doc was a quack. "Different manufacturers of the same dosage may affect you differently." Not!

Take my health into my own hands (buying BCPs in Mexico in the stepped up dosage) has worked like a charm.

If I didn't need an annual PAP, I would tell that guy to take a hike. It is near impossible to get into a new OB/GYN on this small island.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Back to normal.....I think

OK. I finally stopped with the discharge. Hooray!

It's been 18 pills in a row (including tonight) and no discharge since the 3rd pill into this cycle.

Now, the big question is, "Do I stop the pill at day 21?" or "Do I continue the pill to try and prevent a period?"

Normally, at this point I would be having premenstrual symptoms of cramps and such, but so far only a few twinges here and there. My scalp is starting to feel tender again tonight. This is one of my premenstrual signs, or at least it's cyclical.

I don't mind having a cycle, I just don't want it to last forever or be excruciatingly painful.

I hate not knowing what the next day will bring. The anxiety doesn't help.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Hmmm, still bleeding

I had my period and even though I still had a light flow on Thursday night, I still started up the BCP that night as well.

I am still having a light flow/break-through bleeding. Hmmm....

No pain. Just a light brown or light red when I wipe. I've worn tampons on an off for the past 3 days. It's light, but still hasn't stopped. since it's only been 3 days since I re-started taking the BCP, I am not too concerned. But, it would be nice to has no discharge.

I feel great, a little tired, but great. The weather has been hot and muggy along with VOG so much of this could be due to the weather. I sure have been sleeping hard! I even held off on my morning walks a few days last week because of the VOGGY, hot weather. My acupuncturist noted my low energy level and suggested 3 doses of the Tang Kwei Jin per day instead of 2.

Monday, May 25, 2009

It's hereeeeeee

I spoke too soon, my period has finally come. Didn't feel a thing. Yea!

Not too strong a flow, but probably what is considered "normal." When you have had lifetime Endo, it's hard to know what exactly is a "normal" period. "You mean having to change a tampon every hour to hour and a half isn't normal?"

Anyway, so now I'm having my period. No major cramps, no out-of-control bleeding.

I will see how it goes this week and plan to re-start my BCPs on Thursday night.

Waiting for the flood

I haven't taken a BCP in 3 nights and still no real period has come. I have the light break-through bleeding, but no real signs.


Thursday, May 21, 2009

Oops, break-through bleeding again

Yup, I noticed a little discoloration yesterday but since it was so light, I didn't pay much mind to it.

Today, the break-through bleeding is brown and much more pronounced.

I am on Day 5 of the new, stronger dosage BCP, which is Day 26 in my attempts of continuous BCPs. I do not feel badly. No pain, no cramps.

Executive Decision: I will stop the BCP and allow my period. Since I'm feeling pretty good, I will take my chances and see what happens.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

So far, so good

I started the newer stronger dosage 3 nights ago and haven't noticed any difference. Hooray!

I will continue the new BCPs and see if the continuous BCPs with this stronger dosage will not allow the break-through bleeding.

At least one thing is for sure, I am not experiencing Endo pain at all. For that I am completely happy!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

It's been 3 weeks and so far so good...

I've taken 21 Aviane BCPs since I re-started the continuous BCP program. So far, so good.

I have had a couple of twinges here and there this past week, but no cramps or other intense symptoms.

Since I am attempting continuous BCPs to minimize my endometriosis symptoms, I will continue the BCP tonight.

I actually only have 16 more Aviane BCPs, but ....

GOOD NEWS! A friend went to Mexico last week and bought me 10 paks of BCPs for $60! Yup, only $6/pak. Awesome! Also, she couldn't get me the same dosage, but they had one step stronger. Excellent. It's what I wanted anyway! I think I will start those pills tonight. Perhaps it will be what I needed anyway. I just don't want to have to deal with 3 weeks of break-through bleeding again. No, thank you.

ethinyl estradiol levonorgestrel
Aviane 20mcg .10mg
New Pill 30mcg .15mg

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Today I start a new program

Well, the period finally came. The break-through bleeding continued for a couple of days and then the heavy flow started. It only lasted a couple of days and the cramps were tolerable. I think it may have helped that I was mentally prepared for worse.

The bleeding naturally backed off yesterday and I take my first BCP on the new program tonight. It will be nice to actually NOT be bleeding or spotting in any way again. This has really put a damper on my ocean time and my intimacy time.

We'll see how this go 'round goes....

Saturday, April 18, 2009

The bleeding continues....

I've been taking two pills a day since Tuesday (3 days) and I'm still bleeding. It's more than spotting and I just don't feel like this BCP thing is controlling my hormones. I have been experiencing little pangs and mini-cramps here and there. Thursday was actually more painful, like an endo day.

I faxed my OB/GYN yesterday that I am still break-through bleeding and expeirencing little pains here and there wonder if I should stop the BCP for a week to allow my body to experience a normal menstruation and resume continuous BCPs after the cycle. One plus note: my breasts are no longer tender as they have been on the LoEstering24FE.

He called me back this morning and said he thought it was a wise idea. He said to stop the BCP now, let my cycle come and start up with the BCP next Sunday night. (It really cracks me up how doctors are always pushing the Sunday start day.)

So I won't take a pill tonight and see what happens. I'm a little nervous as my last cycle was so intense and painful, but I am crossing my fingers that since I've been break-through bleeding for almost a month, that perhaps it won't come at me with a vengeance.

Fingers crossed.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Bleeding wouldn't stop - New prescription (or so I thought!)

The double dose (1 in the morning, 1 at night) did stop the break-through bleeding. However, within 5 days after going back to 1 pill a night, the break-through bleeding started again. I again doubled up the dosage for a few days and it stopped again.

Hmmmm...looks like this low dosage wonder drug is too low for me.

Since LoEsterin24FE is $56/pak, which is only 21 days for me as I am attempting continuous BCPs for my endometriosis, I checked around for which other BCPs have a slightly higher dosage and are cost reasonable. Boy, did I find prices all over the board! YAZ is like $78/pak whereas Alesse generic is $21/pak.

I contacted my OB/GYN and discussed the continual break-through bleeding and that doubling the dose is the only way to stop it. Clearly that is not cost-effective nor reasonable. He agreed to try me on a different BCP but didn't have any samples other than LoEsterin24FE so I would have to get a prescription filled. Fine. I have no insurance and had already checked Costco's pricing on various BCPs.

He suggested several brand name BCPs that have no generic and I knew they were cost-prohibitive for my budget. I suggested generic Junel FE as it's the generic equivalent for LoEsterin 1.5/30 and since he seemed so keen on LoEsterin....he agreed and said he would call in the prescription for me so I could pick it up this afternoon. Good. Finally.

Oh, he also suggested that I take two BCPs per day for two more days to stop the current break-through bleeding.

I stopped by the Costco pharmacy and they had me fill out a quick form to get their additional discount for people without drug coverage. My two paks were $35.72, and THAT pricing I can live with. I get in the car and arrive at my next errand and peeked into the pharmacy bag. I don't know why. Curiosity, I suppose.

I see two paks of AVIANE. Aviane? I asked for Junel and he told me Junel. WTF?! I pull out my notes from my internet research and Aviane is the EXACT same formula as LoEsterin24FE!!!!! WTF?!

So I call my OB/GYN's office immediately. It's 4pm, and I get the machine. Fortunately, since he delivers babies, his cell phone number is announced on the message. I call his cell number. I first apologize for calling him on his cell, but I just picked up my prescription and it is wrong and I have no pill to take for tonight. (After all the pain I have experienced with endo, and the amazing relief I have had with taking a BCP, not taking a pill is frightening.) He says to me that he knows they filled my prescription with Aviane because he and the pharmacist discussed the most cost-effective drug to give me and they deduced that Aviane was less expensive.

BUT IT'S THE SAME DOSAGE AS WHAT I'VE BEEN TAKING AND I'M ALWAYS BLEEDING!!! He explains to me in a very calm and fatherly way that with this new drug it may work just fine because it's a different manufacturer and they have a different formulary and he has found that even though the medication may state the same dosage, the formulary is different and therefore may work. He also brought up again that the lowest dose is the best for effectively treating endometriosis and that if I take too high of a dose then the benefits may be less.


So, I thanked him as graciously as I could and hung up the phone and then spewed all sorts of profanity at this asshole.

So, I will try this new drug with the same dosage as before and cross my fingers.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

A quick call = A solution


I called my OB-GYN to let him know about my continuous break-through bleeding/spotting.

He said that even one pill delayed by 12 hours will cause the break-through bleeding even for 12 days. He said to double up on the Loesterin24Fe for two days and see if that stops it. He said to take a pill in the morning and then one at night, not two at a time.

Good to know.

I will take my normal pill tonight and then another in the morning and do the same tomorrow and the next day and see if it works.

Crossing my fingers.....

Monday, March 23, 2009

11 days of light period/spotting

It's been 11 days since I missed my pill and I'm still having a light flow. I call it spotting because it's probably not more than a tablespoon in 4-6 hours, but since there is red and brown, it's like a light period whereas spotting is usually just brown (for me at least).

I have been feeling pretty good overall. I have been focusing on the types of foods I eat and when. My acupuncturist suggested I look into digestive fire and perhaps my lack of digestive fire would explain much of my abdominal discomfort. Heck, at this point, I'll try anything. Remember, my only alternative is a laparoscopy to prove or disprove endo and I don't have insurance.

I ordered and received a copy of Healing with Whole Foods by Paul Pitchford. Funny how many of the foods that may not be best for my body type are the very foods I eat a lot of! Crazy!

My acupuncturist is always telling me my Kidney Yang is low or deficient when he takes my pulses. Also my energy tends to be low. Now after reading the book, I am picture perfect for cold (too much Yin) and some deficiency. Interestingly enough, many of the cooling foods, which I should avoid, are things like salads, raw veggies, cold foods, ice cream, beer. Those are all things I used to eat regularly. Other than the ice cream, which I ate sparingly anyway, and beer, which I used to indulge much more, all the other cooling foods are things we Americans eat to try to lose or maintain our weight. What I have noticed in the past is that when I eat a salad for dinner, I feel bloated the next morning as though it didn't digest overnight. Who would think that salad wouldn't digest easily?

It turns out, the digestive fires need to be stoked well in order to digest efficiently. If my digestive fire is/was all but out, perhaps no matter how much healthy food I try to eat, it won't digest and therefore not be healthy for me.

I have also been taking the Golden Book teapills, which is supposed to energize my system. It must be working. I do feel much better. I also am still taking the Tang Kwei Gin which is supposed to help do the same.

My appt is Wednesday morning and I am anxious to see if there has been a noticeable change.

Also, I have been walking more.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

A week of spotting/light period

It's been over a week and I'm still spotting. A couple of days were like a very light period.
I ran out of tampons and am bummed. I might be able to get to the store later today. I normally buy the mega box at Costco, but I am not supposed to be having any more periods (in a perfect world) so I didn't buy a new box. Tampons are so darn expensive. So are pads. I just don't like pads. I feel unclean using them.
The light cramping stopped a few days ago, but not the brown gooey discharge.
I am exercising a little bit more. My calves are sore this morning. I suppose that's a good sign. They are sore, but not enough to prevent me from walking.
No, the only thing preventing me from walking is me.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Another day of spotting, and a little cramp

My fault! I know I am beating my self up over this, but it is my fault. Or at least I can't blame it on the Loestrin24Fe because I missed that damned pill a few days ago.
I am still spotting. I have felt a couple of twinges/cramps here and there. Nothing debilitating, thank God!
I should have walked this morning between rain showers. Instead, I browsed the internet. Now another shower is coming though.
No ocean time for me!
Damn I'm fat.
We may go to a matinee. If it's sunny later, we'll walk on the beach. I know I need the exercise!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Still spotting.

I'm still spotting and now there's a few drops of red along with the dark brown goo. Damn!
I don't feel badly, but I am bummed about missing that 1 pill and being responsible for this.
I have been taking some different Chinese herbal remedies and they seem to be working well for me.
The Tang Kwei Jin is supposed to give me energy by replenishing my blood. So far, so good.
The Golden Book teapills are supposed to help energize my digestive fire and stimulate my deficient Yang (warmth). So far, so good.
I have also been drining a Ginger Tea thats tastes good and is supposed to help with my digestion.
I am avoiding "cold" foods late in the day, although I did have a Caesar salad the other night and I was o.k. (no gas or indigestion pains).
I am also trying to exercise more, even though I don't do it every day.
Today I went for a short walk early before the rain. That was it.

Friday, March 13, 2009

My laparoscopy records finally arrived

I order my lap records on February 3rd. They didn't mail them until March 11th.
Geez! Good thing my OB/GYN put me on the free sample BCPs which seemed to have curtailed the crazy/insane pain I've been experiencing. To wait 5 weeks for medical records seems a bit lame.
I read through all the papers and it seems my endo was not removed, only burned/destroyed.
That's what I figured, but at least now it's been confirmed.
I haven't contacted Dr. Redwine's office again because I'm waiting to see what happens with the continuous BCPs. It's not like I have thousands of dollars in a savings account waiting for me to withdraw them for surgery. And getting insurance is impossible for me to afford, let alone, my endo most certainly would be considered a pre-existing condition.
I just felt a twinge near my left ovary. What's going on down there??
I hate my body. It has treated me poorly and I have done the same in return.
I weigh 171 and am out of shape. I should weigh 20-25lbs less and be much more firm.
At least I did my walks today.
It's supposed to be nice tomorrow so if the wind isn't up perhaps I'll jump in the ocean.

Dammit! I forgot to take my pill!

When I woke up this morning the thought ran though my foggy mind, "Did I take my pill last night?"
I went to the pillpack and sure enough, I missed my pill last night. Dammit!
I took the missed pill immediately.
Went to the restroom, already brown ugly spotting. Dammit!
Put in a tampon. Four hours later, sticky brown tissue was all over it. Dammit!
Put in another. Same result, but much lighter brown.
Didn't bother putting in another and haven't seen any new signs of spotting.
Whew! I hope the delay didn't mess things up too badly.
Other than that, I feel pretty good.
I walked around the block 4 times today and did 60 stair steps.
My left upper calf is still feeling achy. It could be from my pinky toe injury and that I am walking differently. I hope it's not a sign of a potential clot. It comes and goes. Weird.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Lighter spotting today

Boy, how long does this spotting go on?

I know, I've only been on the Loestrin24Fe for almost 5 weeks, but these side effects are nagging.

I added taking digestive enzymes after dinner to see if it helps with my digestion and the gassiness and bloating pain. Seems to have helped a bit.

Also, I started taking Golden Book tea pills and am continuing to take the Tang Kwei Jin. Today was busy and I was gone most the day. I find it very difficult to remember to talk all my pills and supplements when my schedule is erratic.

My breasts are also still tender. I may have a mammogram next week. I AM NOT LOOKING FORWARD TO THAT!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Heavier spotting today

I'm feeling alright, but I had much heavier spotting today. I know others have said that is their one of their biggest complaints in the beginning, but it doesn't mean I like it. I've been taking the Loestrin24Fe for 4 1/2 weeks now.

I had a good acupuncture session this morning. I really do feel better after my appt. I walked home and it was sunny out. Finally sun!

I am walking around the block once or twice a day, but I know I need to do more.

The ocean is cold and swimming in it just doesn't sound inviting.

Pinky toe is feeling better and I'm remembering it so I don't do something stupid again.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Sore, but not Endo

So, today, my lower abdomen is still pretty sore, so are my outside calves.
I am pretty certain that my soreness is muscle related from my recent attempt at exercise and not anything related to Endo. Yeah!
I did go to the bathroom this morning and it was exactly what I expected so the whole "missed my liquid calcium" was probably what created most my discomfort yesterday.
I just took my liquid calcium for today so tomorrow should be back to normal.
My soreness must be related to the leg lifts and tummy crunches on Friday. It seems weird that I'm THAT sore 48 hours later, but it's the only sane explanation. Perhaps this is a testament to how poor of shape my abdomen really is. It looks flabby (bad) so I guess there is little muscle under it. Tomorrow I will try most exercises, but not too many. I need to build up. At least my arms aren't sore for the handful of push ups!
So, I am still spotting, but I don't have cramps.
Still taking the continuous BCPs. I don't think I'll call the doctor about the spotting after the 2nd packet of pills (48 days).
The weather has been kinda crappy and not very sunny so I don't want to swim in the ocean. I have been walking but it's hard on my pinky toe and I don't get joy from it.
I want it to be sunny again. I want it to be warm.
I live in Hawaii. It's not too much to ask.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Today was not a good day.

Today was not a good day.
I woke up feeling pretty good. I got a cup of chai and walked on the beach. During my walk, I started to get "that feeling" in my lower intestines. At first I chalked it up to not having gone to the bathroom yet. It got more intense; pain, bloating feeling. I tried to ignore it.
When I got home, I tried to go to the bathroom. I was constipated. I forgot to take my liquid calcium last night. Damn it! I know better! This is why I take liquid calcium with magnesium. It keeps me regular, a little too soft, but it does the trick.
All day on and off, I have felt bloating pain in my lower intestines. It's not been a comfortable day. I would lay down and start to feel better. I would get up and within 15 minutes, start to feel the pressure again. I hate that this interferes with my life.
Now it's the end of the day. I want to go to the bathroom, but nothing is happening. I know I will probably have a rough night (painful gassiness, it started an hour ago). In the morning I will have a painful bowel movement until the liquid calcium/magnesium portion comes out.
My abdomen muscles also feel sore. Is it from some exercises I did yesterday? It wasn't much, but I'm trying to get into better shape, even if it's 5 push-ups and 10 leg lifts.
I had more spotting this morning, but none this afternoon.
I wish I felt happier.
I want a life.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Sadness is over

No more wanting to cry. Thank god! that was such a weird and frustrating experience.

I am on Day 24 of the Loestrin24Fe and keep feeling little twinges here and there. Am I going to have a period even though I will keep taking the white pills (continuous BCPs)? I hope not.
I have not had the strong/crazy/intense pain that I usually get by this time in the month, so I am relieved for that.

Sometimes I am hungry when I shouldn't be, especially at night. I have chocolate cravings after dinner a lot. I haven't had those cravings in years. I am trying not to give in to the cravings or to make wise choices. I am already overweight and don't need to add any more to my already tired knees. I have been walking every day, but it has been slow and not too far. That damn pinky toe is pretty painful when I try to pick up the pace. Bad timing. (Although you can't really time something that "good" can you?)

Sunday, March 1, 2009

I feel like crying

What the hell?!
This morning I almost cried twice! For no reason, I just feel sad.
Same this afternoon. I feel sad. I feel like crying.
I have had some pangs here and there in the area of my uterus. I haven't spotted since yesterday afternoon.
Why am I feeling this way?
I did re-injure my pinky toe the other day and it's been sore ever since. Then, in the shower this morning I caught it while trying to gently rub my foot scrub. It's like the tip of the toe is not connected so it easily moves when touched. It's loose. Weird. Painful when that tip is moved.
Am I sad from the pinky toe pain?
Am I sad because I spotted and I'm not supposed to have any more periods?
Am I sad because it's a side effect of the Loesterin24Fe?
I do not like being emotional anyway (I'm not that kind of chick). This really sucks.
Oh yeah, and that funky taste is annoying me today.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Spotting on Loestrin24Fe

Today is Day 22 on the Loestrin24Fe and I'm lightly spotting. Hmmm.

I've read many other women having difficulty with spotting while on this low doasage BCP.
I've made it a point to take it every night at the same time (within half an hour).

I have had a few tinges here and there, but no major pangs or pains.

I'm a bit disappointed. At least I don't have the pain.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Tender breasts

Noticed my breasts have been tender. The kind of tender shortly before starting my period.
I'm not supposed to have a period. Why are my breasts so tender?

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Funky taste from Loestrin24Fe?

Yeah! I've been feeling pretty darn well since I started the Loestrin24Fe 20 days ago.
I am relieved.
I've had a few pangs here and there, but nothing like before. I can't remember when I've gone 20 straight days without major pain. Oh yes, I can....the year after my laparoscopy when I was taking continuous BCPs.
So, about that funky taste.....I have noticed an occasional funky taste in my mouth ever since I started taking the Loestrin24Fe. Could this be a side effect? It's nothing serious. I don't like the taste but it's not so offensive that I run for the mouthwash either.
The taste comes like how when your sinuses drain and you get the taste in your mouth. (sorry if that was a little gross)
I even started taking some Echinacea/Goldenseal because I thought maybe I was getting a sinus infection. I am not congested, but I have had sinus infections that are towards the back of the sinuses, not near the nasal cavity.
Anyway, I notice the funky taste about once a day, sometimes every other day.
Anyone ever experience this?

Saturday, February 21, 2009

A good day

Hooray! Another good day.

I went to a festival today. I was a bit apprehensive in going as I never seem to know when pain may creep up on me and spoil my plans. Other than my hobbling around because of my pinkie toe injury, I was fine.

I had a good day. Yippee!

Side note on the pinkie toe: the topical anesthetic has been great and The Great Mender Chinese tea pills seem to have been doing their thing. Even though my foot is still very bruised looking, the swelling has come way down and I am able to walk (hobble) not limp. I picked up another bottle of the tea pills today. I want the bruising to dissipate.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Mild pain even with Loestrin24Fe

Still another few good days for me. I'm glad and relieved.
Still taking the Loestrin24Fe every night. No problems just yet.

Today, just after I woke up and again later this afternoon, I had that low pain in the center of my belly. It's just above my uterus and it's the same area where in the past I have experienced extreme pain. I didn't need to lay down, but it was definitely in between very uncomfortable and mildly painful. I took a couple of ibuprofen in the late afternoon and in an hour it had subsided.

I'm on the low dosage BCP so what could've caused that? Was it not endo, but something else? or was it endo and this is a window into what my future holds? I suppose I could live with this sort of discomfort if that is what the Loestrin24Fe is doing for me.

I am curious and leery.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A different kind of pain

Endo has been good lately. Hooray!
I have taken Loestrin24Fe for 12 days. No weird side effects. No abdominal pain.

But, my pain level has been pretty high the past 48 hours....why? Because I banged my pinky toe against a box two days ago and OH MY GOD! The PAIN!
After I hit it, my pinky toe was sticking out, not hugging the next toe like usual. I probably didn't break it, but rather tore some ligaments or tendons. That doesn't make it hurt any less.
When I hit that box, I went down, to the ground, from the pain. You know, the kind of pain when you can taste blood in your mouth? Now, THAT'S pain!
Fortunately, I already had an appt with my acupuncturist the next morning, so when I hobbled in, he took a look. He doesn't think it's broken.
He treated it and I could hardly feel the needles go in. It was strangely numb at the surface. The pain was inside. When he heated the needles, my toe gently moved back into the normal position!
He prescribed me some Chinese herbs to help the healing and a topical anesthetic.
I am still swollen and hobble in pain, but not nearly as much as the morning before my appt.
I love my acupuncturist!

And, my Endo has been calm.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

A couple more good days :-)

Lucky me!
Friday was a pretty good day. So was Saturday. Today was also pretty good, not perfect, but pretty good.
I checked my calendar to see if anything would easily explain the mild pain I had today.
I started my period on teh 5th so today is 10 days later.
For about 2 hours this afternoon I had painful twinges on my right side (ovary?). On a pain scale of 1-10 it was a 3 to a 4. Fortunately when it hit a 4 it only laster for a minute or so.
What was that? Ovulation? It shouldn't be. I've been taking Loestrin24Fe 9 days.
At least it only lasted a couple of hours and not the entire day.
It was another grateful day.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Today was a GOOD day :-)

I am thankful for today. I was mostly pain-free and am going to bed without pain.

I didn't do anything different today, but I am grateful my body did.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Follow Up: Intestinal Pain

I survived the day. By late morning I was feeling much better. Oddly, by nightfall, minor cramping began again. I forgo a normal dinner. It's hard to eat when you feel like your intestines are angry at you.

Just now, I came across this excellent link regarding Intestinal Endometriosis (it's not IBS). I have mentioned Dr. David Redwine in Bend, OR before and sure enough, here's another article:

While I am hopeful about taking the Loestrin24Fe continuously, my instinct tells me I may be heading to Bend, OR in the not-too-distant future.

Painful gas

OK, I said it.

This is not a topic I speak of comfortably, nor is it comfortable.

This morning I am still experiencing sharp, pain in my abdomen. I'm pretty sure it's gas as some has worked it way through. Much is still inside and it's painful. I look bloated. I feel drained. Barely touching my belly is tender. The pain started yesterday afternoon around 2:30pm just after I ate a sandwich. I wasn't feeling 100% before I ate, but after I ate, things quicky became worse. By bedtime I was curled up in a fetal position.

This is a huge problem with Endo. Is this painful symptom related to Endo? Is it IBS? Is it just something I ate? Did I not eat enough fiber? Did I eat too much fiber? Is it undigested sugars? or it is simply Endo?

More than a decade ago, I sought answers for my gassiness and bloating pain. My GP tried several different prescriptions, none of which worked. He ran a number of tests that resulted in, "There absolutely nothing wrong. Everything is normal." I then sought help from my OB/GYN who refered me to a gastrointestinal specialist. I endured invasive and uncomfortable tests only to be told once again, "There absolutely nothing wrong. Everything is normal." Etched in my memory is when laying on the table upon finishing my Upper G.I. Barium Test the Radiologist snipped, "Why are you here? There's nothing wrong with you. Everything is normal." I was so taken aback. I tried to explain my pain and he just shrugged it off. What's worse is that just as I arrived home, I experienced the worst diarhea ever. I had to call my boss and embarrassingly explain how a non-invasive 3 hour test resulted in uncontrolable diarhea. Yes, Endo is not only physically painful, but it is also emotionally painful.


Upper G.I. Barium Test (aka Upper G.I. Series), "A test done in an office or in a hospital radiology department. Performed while sitting or standing up, your heart, lungs, and abdomen are examined with a fluoroscope (a type of x-ray that projects images onto a monitor).
To begin the test, you drink 16 - 20 oz. of a chalky milkshake (barium mixture).
The passage of the barium through the esophagus, stomach, and small intestine is monitored on the fluoroscope. Pictures are taken with you in a variety of positions. The test usually takes around three hours. However, in some cases, it may take up to 6 hours to complete.

Colonoscopy, "A colonoscopy is a procedure that enables your physician to examine the entire length of the colon (approximately five feet) for abnormalities. This procedure is done by inserting a thin, flexible tube into the anus and advancing it slowing into the rectum and colon. It can be performed under local or general anesthesia."

Monday, February 9, 2009

Day 3 on Loestrin24Fe

So far so good!

I am a bit relieved to not have had any crazy or outrageous side effects so far.
I know it's only been 3 full days that the BCP has been in my system, but after all my crazy episodes of pain, cramps, gassiness, bloating and general feeling of crappiness, I was a bit apprehensive after reading so many women who report disturbing side effects.

I started taking the Loestrin24Fe the day after I started my period. Yeah, I know "they say" to start BCPs the Sunday after your period, but I couldn't find any information out there explaining a medical reason as to why. Since I am supposed to take it continuously, what's the difference?

My period was super-crazy-heavy Day 1, 2 and 3. I even took an iron supplement yesterday. I was feeling a bid drained even though the pain had subsided. I can't believe how many tampons I go through the first few days of my period. I feel like I can't even leave the house! I wore three different pairs of pants on Day 2. Not fun. I get so depressed when I leak through. I know it's not my fault, nor can I control it, but I really get depressed when it happens. I also missed going swimming last weekend. That really bums me out. I never going swimming the first few days as that's akin to being "shark bait." Thanks, but no thanks!

Today is Day 5 and the bleeding is minimal and I'm not feeling depressed. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

So, now I guess I just have to wait and see what happens.

Will the Loestrin24Fe do crazy things to me or mess me up? Or will it become my miracle drug?

I'll probably know in a week. Usually a week or so after my period, I get some pretty bad pains (ovulation?) so since I'm on this BCP, perhaps I won't? that's the theory anyway.

I watched the first Lady, Michelle Obama, this morning as she addressed the Dept of Interior. While I listened to her graciousness and poise, I wondered if she suffered from endometriosis. I bet if she did, she would make it a huge priority in supporting a health care policy.

I wish I could help myself and then help others. No one should have to live through this kind of pain and disruption from normalcy. No one.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

I took my 1st Loestrin24Fe

It was late last night and I was feeling pretty crappy, or should I say "crampy."
I took my first dosage of the Loestrin24Fe. I am a bit leary of it, but then I have been feeling pretty badly on and off for several months what's the difference? Right?
I hope I'm right.
I slept hard and when I woke up this morning I was mildly cramping and my uterus and bowels were gurgling. Ugh!
I made a pot of tea and tried to get some computer work done. By 1oam I was laying down again. The cramps were sooo strong! Then I took an Ibuprofen 800mg. When I sat up for more than a few minutes the strong cramps would begin again. It's been a painful day.
I got off the couch to do a bit of work (billing = $$ so I have a hard time staying away from my computer). Now that I'm done, it's back to the couch.
I noticed I'm not very hungry today. I wasn't very hungry yesterday either. I had some chocolate in the evening but only to satisfy a sweet tooth, not because I was that hungry. I did notice I'm drinking a lot of water. That is always good for the system.
Today I drank my pot of Earl Grey and am having a Yoplait. I feel tired and wonder if my not eating is my lack of energy to prepare a meal.
That reminds me, I need to take another Tablespoon of the Tang Kwei Gin. I'm supposed to take 3 Tablespoons/day.
Maybe I'll watch a movie and see if I'm up for making dinner afterwards.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Loestrin24Fe: Is it Good, Bad, or Worse?

Before taking the Loestrin24Fe I wanted to research it online, check blogs and forums, and read medical websites.

I am finding a plethora of negative posts regarding awful side effects including depression, extreme mood swings, weight gain, break-through bleeding, extended periods, sleep issues and decreased libido.

I have also found a few who say they experienced no side effects or didn't experience side effects until the 3rd month, the 5th month or the 12th month.

Does the benefit outweigh the negative side effects?

I am already overweight by 15 -20 pounds. Gaining weight now would not be a good thing.

When I am heavier, I have back problems and knee pain. Keeping my weight within reason keeps those pains at bay. I do not believe in taking pain medication when weight is the cause of the pain.

To me, you treat the cause of the symptoms, not treat the effect of the cause.

Back to this Loestrin24Fe: I haven't completely decided on whether or not to start taking it tonight*.

I will look on the web a bit more and see if I can find more positive comments about it. It's much more common for people to share something negative than to seeks blogs and forums to share something positive. Personally, I try to do both.

Of course, perhaps the reason there isn't that much positive info is because it's a relatively bad BCP.
* Why not wait until Sunday? Why do the instructions always say to start on "the Sunday after your period"? I searched the web high and low and the best answer I could find after reading through all the different opinions is that women are too dumb to remember what day of the week they started their pill so making the standard a Sunday, which is the first day of the week on a calendar, is the best way to ensure they don't miss a dose. Well, screw that. I'm an intelligent human being and if I decide to start my BCP on a Friday I am confident I will remember to take the proper dose. Besides, my doctor recommended to take the BCP continuously which means it doesn't matter which day I start taking it. Duh!

The PAP and the Ultrasound

Started my period yesterday...AT the OB/GYN! How untimely!
My appt was for 10am. I started to feel a little crampy driving to the office. I just figured it was my damn endo rearing it's ugly head just as I'm to be examined, which isn't the most comfortable experience anyway.
I gave my urine sample and the nurse said it tested positive for urinary tract infection. Now, I've had my fair share of bladder infections and I was not experiencing any of the normal symptoms (frequent urination, pain upon urination, burning sensation, etc.). She said that's what the test showed and then asked if I normally wipe from front to back as if I didn't it can give a false reading. Yes, I wipe from front to back and I also use baby wipes on a regular basis. I'm kind of a clean freak when it comes to my vagina, but I don't go overboard.
Mr. Doctor comes in and says my white blood cell count was high and there is a little blood in my urine. BLOOD in my urine?? I'm thinking, "Ok, no sense to panic. Endo is my problem, not kidney stuff." I told Mr. Doctor that I was surprised at the possibility of an urinary tract infection because I wasn't experiencing any symptoms.
He asked how I was feeling and I told him "not so good."
He said, "Perhaps you are beginning your cycle."
I said, "That would be odd because it's only been 3 weeks and I've been 28-45 days."
He said, "Three weeks is normal, so perhaps."
(When I got home, I rechecked my notes. My last P was 1/19/09, 17 days ago. That is NOT 3 weeks, nor is it normal. Ugh!)
He talks to me about my pain symptoms and tells me that from what I've told him and my previous visits I most likely have endo. He said there are a few options:
  1. Low dosage BCPs
  2. Progestin (depoprovera or similar)
  3. Lupron
  4. Laparacopy with no guarantees
  5. Hysterectomy with full guarantee
(I kept much of my opinions to myself and let him talk. I recall the last time I discussed mammogram options with him, he poo-pooed my radiation concerns and wasn't too interested to discuss alternatives like ultrasound or thermography.)
He recommended trying low dosage BCPs first and he would give me a few sample packs to try it. He said I might want to consider progestin, but I balked at that because I have a close friend who had too many side effects from it. I do NOT want to grow hair on my chest or grow a beard. Thanks, but no thanks! He said the laparoscopy is expensive (no insurance) and there are no guarantees because, "Once you have endo you always have endo. It will always come back. Whether you burn it or remove it, it will return." Finally, he said while a hysterectomy will guarantee to stop endo, he didn't recommend it and would only consider it as a last option.
Needless to say, I was not overly impressed with Mr. Doctor. After you read Dr. Redwine's numerous articles and papers and his patient's numeorus positive comments, it's hard to listen to Mr. Doctor. Dr. Redwine cures endo by excising it via laparoscopic excision. And, technically that is a cure. I have read online that there are two other doctors who have earned positive reputations when it comes to endo treatment. They are Dr. Cook and Dr. Davis.
So then he starts the exam and SURE ENOUGH I am having my period! Crap! He shows me the clots on the tip of the cotton swab. Nice timing, eh?
He then performs the pelvic ultrasound <no charge, thank you very much :-) > and everything looks normal. He tells me it's not usual to detect endo with an ultrasound unless there are large lesions but it is good to rule out any fibroids or cysts.
He gives me 3 boxes of Loestrin24Fe and tells me to start taking the white pills on Sunday and take one every day and when I get to the brown pills throw them away and take a while pill from the next pack. He wants me on continuous BCPs to keep from having a period, which is supposed to stop the endo symptoms.
He cheerfully tells me to hang in there and that he can almost guarantee that after a month or two, I will feel 100% better and have forgotten about the previous pains.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Love my acupuncturist!

I had my acupuncture appointment yesterday afternoon.
I always feel so much better after acupuncture.
Not only is he good at acupuncture, he is an expert on Chinese herbs and he is caring and easy to talk with.
I am thankful I found him and he is a vital component of my health care.
He currently has me taking Tang Kwei Gin (Dang Gui Gin) 3x/day. It is a blood tonic to tonify Chi (Qi) and Blood and is especially helpful for anemia and fatigue.
He reminded me to take Xiao Yao Wan (Free & Easy Wanderer) a week to week and a half before my next period or when I have an episode like last Friday night. It will help ease pre-mentrual blood stagnation and blockage (aka cramps and bloating). I can't believe I forgot about those pills. Duh.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Records copy/forwarding

The doctor's office, where my old laparoscopy records are located, called this afternoon.
The girl was very nice and apologized for having to notify me that since my records are so old (2002) they will need to collect a $25 fee to retrieve them from storage.
Of course, I was expecting this as I haven't seen the doctor since late 2002 and she knew I was moving out of the country the next month.
I gave her my credit card number and she said she was filling out the requisition form right away. She also said that they would like to send my records copy to me instead of Dr. Redwine because medical records are usually destroyed after 10 yrs and if I have them, then I can make a copy to give to the doctor and ensure my only copy is not destroyed.
I think that is a good policy.
I should receive my records within 2 weeks.

Monday, February 2, 2009

My To-Do List

This morning I called Dr. David B. Redwine in Bend, OR. I spoke with Alayna and asked which records would be most helpful as I was going to make an appt for my 'annual' pap with my local OB/GYN. She said that the pap wouldn't really be helpful regarding the records review process for endo, but the chart notes for my pelvic exam would be, especially if I experience any pain during the exam. The ultrasound wouldn't be helpful in regard to endo, but would be as far as ruling out cysts or tumors or ?. Any previous records of pelvic exams will be helpful and the operating report from my lap in 2002 and the pathology report (if there is one). She was very nice and I felt comfortable speaking with her.

I called my local OB/GYN and made my appt for Thursday. I will have my pap and also an ultrasound. They didn't even give me a hard time for requesting it. I was surprised. My previous experiences with Western Medicine are pretty consistent with the doctor's office not wanting to combine appts or take my word because they want to see me first, then decide (usually another appt...maybe that's an insurance thing?). I was relieved that my phone call wasn't met with resistance. The pap is ~$50-$80 plus $28 lab fee and the ultrasound is ~$130. It will be an expensive day for me, but worth it (I hope).

I called my acupuncturist and made an appt for Wednesday afternoon.

I also called my previous OB/GYN who did the laparoscopy in 2002 to let them know I needed to request a copy of my records and make sure I was following their guidelines. I faxed the completed form that I got from Dr. Redwine's website ( )this afternoon. It might cost up to $25 depending on how much information needs to be copied. They said that if there isn't much to copy/forward that they usually don't charge for records forwarding. I thought that was a pretty cool policy.

Today, I accomplished a lot and my pain was minimal. I did feel a couple of strange sensations in my uterus this afternoon. Also, I had to urinate this afternoon while sitting at my desk and noticed that the longer I waited, the uterine sensation became stronger. That reminded me of all the times I've had to urinate but was unable to get to a restroom and how the pain in my lower abdomen gets really strong until I can get to a restroom. SIDE NOTE: I miss living in Mexico where I could pee almost anytime, whenever I needed, wherever I needed. (Pulling off the side of a road and peeing has it's advantages!)

I hope tomorrow is another relatively pain-free day.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Endo and Me


I am 42 yrs old and live in Hawaii. I have endometriosis and it negatively affects the quality of my life.

I am pretty certain my endo is back, and with vengeance.

I had laparoscopy in 2002 (when I was 36) and at my doctor's recommendation took continuous BCPs for 12 months after my surgery. I went off the BCP's to allow myself one period and then started taking BCPs normally. After another year, I stopped taking BCPs altogether. Today, I wish I never stopped them.

Last Thursday and Friday I experienced many levels of pain, culminating last night at a party. I had to come home. I thought I would faint the pain was so intense.

Tomorrow (today is Sunday), I will call the OB/GYN office for an appointment for my annual pap and also request an ultrasound.

I am having trouble facing my denial that it came back and what I have to face now going forward. After all the drugs, invasive tests and pain I endured prior to being properly diagnosed the first time, I am extremely emotional about heading down this path once again.

I no longer have a 'job' (I'm self-employed) and haven't had insurance since 2003.

I can't afford insurance, but I am not a big fan of insurance companies anyway.

The symptoms started up about a year after stopping the BCPs. Each month got a bit more painful. One summer evening July 2007, we went to a Bon Festival temple service. I was already feeling some pain. While sitting in the temple, the pain shot from a Level 6 to a 12 (10 being highest) and I could barely get up to leave. I somehow made it to the car and lay down in the back. We drove home and within 20 minutes the pain was subsiding. The next day I searched the internet for possible answers.

What I found was really frustrating. First, that it was probably my endo returning. Second, that laparoscopy was the generally acceptable method of treatment. Third, the never ending reminder that I have no health insurance and will have to pay for whatever I decide.

At that time I had some savings, now I do not.

I looked into alternative therapies and came across discussions about using acupuncture as a treatment method. I had recently completed treatments for my lower back (L4-L5, L5-S1) and am grateful to my acupuncturist for his healing. I called him and set an appt. Because some of my symptoms emulated prolapse, he started treating for for that. He adjusted my treatments as necessary and by 2008 I was near symptom free!

I weaned off treatments down to once per month and then stopped last Sept. I would have continued, but the economy was already slowing down and money was getting tight. My savings was gone, but my back is no longer inhibiting me from exercise and being active.

After a couple of months of no treatments, my pain symptoms returned and have gotten stronger and stronger.

My current searches on the internet reveal 1,000s more resources and information than I found back in 2002. I am finding the recommended treatments for endometriosis are laparoscopic excision, hormonal drugs, pain meds and alternative options like acupuncture, homeopathy, nutritional modification and immune therapy.

I discussed these options with my acupuncturist. I told him my fear of hormone therapy, not having all my organs, invasive surgery, etc. He said that hormone therapy is not an absolute and many women don't take hormones after hysterectomy or menopause. He said the body can adjust, naturally. Since I do not want to become pregnant and I should be menopausal within 10 yrs anyway, he suggested that if I do have serious endo or worse, some kind of growth, that I might want to consider a hysterectomy. He also suggested I get an ultrasound when I have my pap. He wants to rule out the possibility of a tumor or any other type of growth. When I had an ultrasound in 2002, it showed possible endometriosis.

So, here I am. Tired, frustrated, scared, worried, and confused about what to do.

Now it is the end of the day. I am not in pain. Maybe I will swim in the ocean tomorrow, now that I'm feeling better.


  • Heavy, painful pressure in my gut area

  • Rumbling and painful gassiness from below my stomach, down through my intestines

  • Painful and irregular bowel movements
  • Ovarian pain upon sneezing

  • Painful gas
  • Abdominal pain when I need to urinate, but can't get to a restroom

  • Abdominal tenderness
  • Headache on the left frontal lobe a day or two before my period

  • Occasional sharp dagger-like pain from my rectum, shooting upward into my body

  • Shallow breath due to the abdominal pain

  • Sharp cramping before and during my period

  • Heavy flow during my period

  • Irregular cycle (20-45 days)

  • Tender scalp before my flow and during ovulation

I take liquid calcium with magnesium everyday to help regulate my BMs but even when I'm the most regular, the symptoms remain.

I do not take pain meds, over the counter or otherwise. I try to maintain a drug-free and holistic life.

I do find that laying on my side for 15-30 minutes sometimes relieves the pain, but when I sit up or stand up, the pain comes back within 15 minutes.
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